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How to Scientifically Apply Neem Oil on Hair

The Ayurveda and Unami medical systems have revered the neem tree as a cure-all since 2000 B.C. Sarva roga nivarini, “the healer of all illnesses” in Hindi, refers to neem. A tree that originated in India has extended its healing abilities over the world, with over 50 countries. Putting neem oil on your hair offers…

How to Scientifically apply Black Seed Oil to Hair

In a 2016 study, black seed oil was found to be an ideal solution for both cosmetics and medicine. The study proved black seed oil to be anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, and antioxidant. For hundreds of years, people have been putting black seed oil on their hair to make it grow faster and stay healthy. Putting…

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