How to Remove Bleach from Hair

We all have that craving to try out the trendiest hairstyles occasionally. But it doesn’t always turn out to be the way we expected and at times we look at reversing the changes. Today we will explain how to remove bleach from hair.

How to Remove Bleach from Hair

Before we begin, let’s first understand what bleach does to your hair. Hair bleach is a chemical hair dye that literally removes color pigments from your hair strands. Once the bleaching process gets over completely and the color pigments get removed, it gets really tough to restore the color back.

There are few things that we can try to get the bleach out of your hair but the result would depend on how soon after the bleach you are trying these methods.

Step 1: Use Warm Water to Loosen the Bleach Particles

While bleaching an alkaline substance is used to open the hair’s cuticle before the bleaching process can begin. After that, the oxidizing agent is used to dissolve the hair’s natural pigment (melanin). Then, the hair bleaching agent is kept for an extended period of time to lighten the color of your hair.

To get rid of it, just get into the shower with warm water and scrub your scalp and hair until the product is gone. If done properly, you’ll be able to get rid of the bleach before any of its negative effects become apparent.

Step 2: Use Vitamin C to break Bleach’s Chemical Composition

Some over-the-counter products include ascorbic acid, a vitamin C form. Using this acid, it may be possible to degrade bleach’s chemical structure.

Vitamin C is found in your skin as an organic compound. Because of this, most individuals may safely use vitamin C as a topical natural treatment to remove hair blech.

Make a hair mask with ascorbic acid to remove hair bleach with vitamin C. This kind of Vitamin C hair mask may also help restore your hair’s color if it has been damaged by chlorine or saltwater.

Make a paste out of crushed Vitamin C pills, water, and baking soda. Use on wet or dry hair. Allow it to sit for at least 45 minutes before rinsing. Bleach’s chemical bonds will be broken easier with the assistance of the tablet’s acid. This step may not work if the bleach has already penetrated the cuticle and stripped it of its color pigments completely.  

This step needs to be administered at the earliest as it’s impossible to get your hair back to its original color tone after the natural pigments of the hair shafts get completely stripped. 

Step 3: Wash with Hair with a Gentle Shampoo

After carefully washing out the Vitamin C from your hair, wash your hair with a mild shampoo to ensure that all of the bleach has been cleansed. Consider using a natural shampoo that is devoid of parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, wax, and other noxious additives.

Bleaching chemicals weaken hair strands by degrading natural fatty acids as they enter the hair follicle.

A mild shampoo with softer and weaker cleaning agents (surfactants and detergents) should be used after the bleaching process. Using a mild shampoo will still get rid of the bleaching agents, oil, and grime, but it won’t cause any damage to your precious hair.

  1. Rinse the Vitamin C paste with warm water.
  2. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.
  3. Instead of scrubbing, gently massage the shampoo lather on your hair, to avoid additional damage.
  4. Rinse the shampoo with warm water.

Step 4: Deep Rinse with Conditioner

Deep conditioning helps remove any bleaching chemicals that may have remained after the first rinse. Furthermore, it begins to heal several of the damage caused by the bleach. Soak wet hair for 20-30 minutes in the deep conditioner after washing it with shampoo. After that, thoroughly wash the area with warm water to remove the bleach and conditioner residues.

  1. Make four sections in your hair.
  2. Apply conditioner on both the outside and inner strands of your hair.
  3. Before going on to the next portion of unconditioned hair, put each part of conditioned hair sections into a bun.
  4. After conditioning all of your hair, leave it on for 25 to 30 minutes.
  5. Untie each bun one at a time underneath a warm shower to remove any conditioner and bleach leftovers that has accumulated.
  6. Add extra conditioner after the first rinse.
  7. Massaging the scalp is a good idea.
  8. Comb the hair from the bottom to the top with a wide-tooth comb.

Alternative Solution for Reversing Bleach Appearance: Re-Dye

Another option is to Re-Dye your hair in a shade fairly close to your original hair color. In salons, this is called a “two-process color treatment.” However, you must verify that the previous bleaching procedure did not excessively harm your hair. If your hair is extremely damaged, brittle, or prone to breaking, you should speak with a professional before dyeing it. 

If your hair is extremely damaged, brittle, or prone to breaking, you should speak with a professional before dyeing it.  If you do it correctly the new shade will match your natural color. If the colors get matched, as your hair grows out, the difference between your natural hair and colored hair will become less apparent.

If you want to restore the natural color of the hair using this method, you should first speak with a hairdresser who can help you choose the appropriate product. Because each color of natural hair has its distinctive own underlying pigments and levels, combining them may occasionally create unforeseen consequences. That is why professional care is required when using hair dyes in these scenarios. 

If you’re moving from bleached light hair to more dark hair color, it will take time, whether you do it yourself or go to a professional. Applying a color that is only a few shades darker, is the safest method to undo the bleached appearance. To get it darker, wait a few weeks and then repeat the dyeing process to match your natural hair color. You may keep going until you’ve achieved the desired shade of dark hair.

If you attempt to color your bleached hair too dark too soon, it may appear uneven and even green. This can also result in faster fading of the applied color. 

Temporary Solution for Reversing Bleach Appearance: Root Concealers

Going back to your original hair color may be a difficult process, and it’s understandable if there are moments when you want to hide your roots. While root concealers aren’t a long-term fix, they are very effective and are available in a wide range of colors. Colors range from chestnut to black and everything in between, including red and blonde. Even unicorn-themed hues are available from certain companies. Sticks, sprays, powders, and creams are some of the finest root concealers. These items are safe to use at home and won’t cause any harm.

Long term Approach to Remove Bleach from Hair

When the bleaching procedure is complete and the color pigments have been removed from the hair, there is no fast cure. Though it may seem impossible, it is possible to grow it out with time and effort.

Because bleaching alters the structure and integrity of your hair, it will not fade or “wear off” as a regular color treatment would. The bleached area of your hair, on the other hand, will grow out over time. It will grow long enough for you to chop off the bleached portions and keep your original hair.

Hair that has been bleached grows at a pace similar to that of unbleached hair: 1 to 2 cm each month. Hair health will constantly influence your hair’s growth pace. Bleached hair is more fragile, therefore it needs special attention if you want it to stay strong and healthy.

Take omega-3 fatty acid supplements, and increase your protein and iron intake to help your hair grow. You can help your scalp grow hair faster by eating proper nutritious meals.

Your bleached hair may grow out faster if you take certain nutritional supplements. Keratins are strong and resilient proteins that are found in the keratinized tissues of the body. In order to keep your hair healthy and strong, try taking a keratin supplement. B-vitamins, on the other hand, have been shown to aid in hair growth and strength.

Folate, an essential mineral found in spinach and kale, helps hair grow faster. In addition, they’re loaded with additional nutrients including vitamins and minerals.

Final Thoughts

No product or method can immediately restore your hair’s original color, so be patient if you want your bleached hair to change to your natural hair color. Also, be sure that any items you use are of the highest quality possible; otherwise, you risk having to wait longer or, worse still, causing harm. Good quality shampoos and conditioners with color-depositing pigments may help fade the bleached hue while also maintaining the health of your hair.

After permanent bleaching sets, you can’t go back to your original hair color. You’ll get there, however, if you’re patient and utilize at least one of these methods.

Check the article on 10 Scientific Ways to Make Bleached Hair Soft and Silky


How long does it take for bleach to fade from hair?

Hair that has been bleached will never return to its original color. When you bleach your hair, you break and deplete the color molecules.
The one and only option for you is to have patience and wait for your hair to grow out.
Cut off the bleached ends as the hair grows, since this will make your hair appear and feel better as well.
You may either let your hair grow back to its original color, which takes around half an inch each month or dye it to match, which involves reintroducing color into the strands.

How can I darken bleached hair naturally?

If you want darker hair, there are natural ways to do it without using harsh chemicals or paying for a costly salon visit.
Coffee may be used to quickly and effectively darken your hair. This is a really straightforward approach, and you should notice results right away. Your hair should be stained brown from the coffee. The result is just a few color shades darker, so if you’re looking for a significant change, you’ll have to go through the procedure many times. Darkening hair with coffee works best on light and medium brown hues, although it can darken any color of hair.
Henna may be used to get even deeper shades. If you like your browns or blacks a little darker, Henna is the perfect solution for you.

Does bleach stay in your hair forever?

Bleach doesn’t stay on your hair forever. It just strips away the color pigments from your hair cuticles. Your hair will eventually grow out and remove the bleached look as well.
It’s not like other hair dyes, including temporary or semi-permanent varieties, which may be rinsed out with regular washing. In comparison to coloring, hair bleaching is more long-lasting.
The bleaching process opens the hair cuticles and strips away the color pigments from within. But with time your hair will grow and the bleached hair can be cut short.

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