In Which Season Hair Fall Most and How to Prevent

In Which Season Hair Fall Most?

Hair shedding is seasonal and begins in the summer, peaks in the fall, and can continue into the winter. You will notice the most seasonal hair fall between November and December into half of January.

Science behind Seasonal Hair Fall

Hair growth rises in the summer to shield the scalp from the sun, according to research. Warmer weather also increases the availability of nutrients required for the development of keratin, the protein that makes up hair, resulting in faster-growing, longer locks. That’s why, following months of increased growth, many people, especially between September and November, complain of excessive shedding.

Women are more likely than males to experience seasonal hair loss, according to researchers, because of two factors: more awareness and changes in hormones and psychological well-being. Women are more conscientious about their hair’s health and devote more time to it on a daily basis. Because women experience greater hormonal changes each month, doctors think that these fluctuations also accelerate hair loss in women.

Women’s hair sheds more in the late summer and early fall, according to a six-year biochemical study.

According to the results of another 12-year study, excessive hair loss peaked during the months when people experience seasonal hair loss.

How to Prevent Seasonal Hair Fall?

Losing so much hair at once might be demoralizing, but it’s your body’s way of purifying and regenerating itself. Newer, shinier strands take the place of aging ones when they fall out. Instead of attempting to hold on to your old hair, you have the opportunity to improve the health of your scalp, which will promote the growth of new, healthy hair.

Protect your Hair with Oil

In the cold, nothing beats a warm oil massage. Oil massages are not only incredibly soothing, but they can also help keep your hair from falling out throughout the winter. Healthy oils for your hair include almond oil and olive oil, which are rich in vitamins and fatty acids to help your hair and scalp withstand the cold. You may also use jojoba oil, which is great for moisturizing your hair.

It’s essential for preventing hair from being brittle, hydrating the scalp, and preventing breakage. Additionally, rubbing your scalp with oil before going to bed helps improve blood circulation and reduce hair loss. Increased blood circulation delivers nutrients straight to the scalp, strengthening the hair follicles’ ability to hang on to the hair.

Take Vitamin D

The correct vitamins may do wonders for your hair, strengthening it so that it can withstand the harshness of winter’s dry, cold air.

It’s no secret that as the weather becomes colder, we’re drawn indoors as a survival reflex. As a result, Vitamin D levels are depleted, which controls keratin synthesis. During the winter, taking a Vitamin D pill might help you stop shedding hair and counteract this natural occurrence.

Vitamin D promotes the growth of both new and old hair follicles. New hair development might be slowed if your body doesn’t have enough vitamin D.

Check the article on Best Vitamins for Stress and Hair Loss Prevention

Apply Hair Mask

Deep conditioning is critical all year long, but it’s more critical in the winter when temperatures drop. Hair masks nourish parched tresses and keep dyed hair from fading. They also help keep hair looking good. The biggest benefit, though, is that they are like a mini-home spa; they may feel like a thorough relaxing session and make your hair look magnificent!

Using a hair mask once in a while throughout the winter will keep your hair moisturized and less prone to breakage. You can maintain your hair moisturized and avoid it from drying out, becoming dull, and lifeless by using a deep conditioning mask. If you don’t do these things, your hair will seem flat, dull, and lifeless during the winter.

Hair masks can be applied weekly, monthly, or as often as needed. Hair masks are flexible. Hair masks come in a variety of forms, some of which are used in the shower or bath, and others that may be worn overnight.

Protect your Hair from Frizz

When it’s chilly outside and warm indoors, our hair is frizzy and difficult because of the absence of humidity and the temperature imbalance. Detangling dry hair is time-consuming and might result in hair loss, which further lowers your hair’s volume.

When washing your hair, use warm water that is neither too hot nor too cold to avoid frizz. This helps lock in moisture by closing the cuticles on your hair strands. Closing the cuticles protects the scalp from pollutants while also keeping dirt out.

Curling, blow-drying, and smoothing your hair may give the appearance that it just came from the salon, but we all know that this comes at a cost since it saps the moisture from your hair and makes it prone to frizz. Hair that has been exposed to heat is more prone to breakage and split ends, therefore protecting it with a heat protectant is critical. For the healthiest possible locks, use a flat iron set at no more than 185°C.

The use of a hairdryer on a regular basis might leave your hair dry and frizzy. Instead of using hot air to dry your hair, try letting it air dry.

Check the article on How to get rid of frizzy hair in 5 minutes (2021)

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