Coconut Oil

For Male & Female Pattern Baldness

What Is          DHT?


DHT is a male sex hormone produced when particular enzymes in the testes and prostate of men and the ovaries of women convert testosterone.

DHT causes HairFall

DHT causes receptors to start miniaturizing follicles resulting in a shorter growth phase and finally the disappearance of softer, lighter hairs.

Violet Lotus
Sleep Mask

Recommended by Experts

Coconut oil protects the hair from heat damage, nourishes the strands, and reduces breakage. It also works as a hair treatment and hair loss prevention agent.

Violet Lotus
Sleep Mask

Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil

Coconut oil has a high amount of fat from medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which inhibit DHT formation when taken orally.

Hair Friendly

Night Cream

No Grease

Comb and Scissors
Towel Turban
Palm Icon

Contains Lauric Acid

Coconut oil applied on Hair and Scalp can inhibit DHT synthesis.

Violet Lotus


Sleep Mask

Fine Line



Completely Natural

Natural is always ideal, and according to specialists, research on Coconut Oil for Male and Female Pattern Baldness is promising.

Hair Friendly

Night Cream

No Grease

Comb and Scissors
Towel Turban
Palm Icon

Prevents Hair Loss & Promotes Hair Growth.

Water-Lock Moisturizer

Hydrate more and stop hair loss with Coconut cream lightweight daily hair moisturizer.

Violet Lotus


Sleep Mask

Fine Line



for best results

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