How to Get Rid of Dandruff Permanently

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Written by Rupa

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The Science

Dandruff is the yellow and white flakes  caused by the  overgrowth of yeast feeds on your scalp’s natural oils and promotes skin to shed.




Dandruff is a condition that affects more than half of the world’s adult population, regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity.

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Get Rid of Dandruff  Permanently & Naturally

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Neem’s effect on Dandruff A key component of Neem oil is the anti-inflammatory compound known as nimbidin.

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Scientifically Proven Nimbidin helps in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, and other types of hair loss-causing scalp irritation.

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Apply Lemongrass Oil

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In several studies lemongrass oil decreased dandruff by an astounding 81 percent after just two weeks of use.

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Apply  Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemons acts as a natural pH balancer on the scalp. As a result, using lemon on your hair may help decrease the occurrence of dandruff.

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Protect your Hair with Amla

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Amla aids in decreasing dandruff itching by cleaning the scalp of impurities and restoring the scalp’s pH levels to their ideal state.

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Good News

Natural dandruff management can be achieved by following the natural treatments.  If the issue continues, you should see a dermatologist to determine the underlying source of the problem.


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