About Us

Welcome To RupaBeauty

When it comes to beauty, RupaBeauty is your one-stop shop for all you need to look your best and feel your best about yourself.

Rupa Das

I’m Rupa Das, a licensed beautician, and certified trainer. I’ve been married for a long time. In addition to having two wonderful children, I consider myself very fortunate to have you, the people who are now reading this, as part of my community and also want to learn more about me.

My sincere goal is that you find this website to be a valuable resource for self-care, self-love, and everything to beauty! While my goal is to assist you in looking and feeling your very best! Above all, to empower, encourage, support, and inspire you in your quest to identify your magnificent greatness! I’d love to hear your experiences, your struggles, your questions, your ideas, your losses, your victories, your loves, or even your worries. Let’s connect!